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Toxicology ECHO: Combining Distance Learning with Telehealth

Projecto ECHOOOO!

Upstate New York Poison Center’s Toxicology ECHO Project

The mission of Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is to develop the capacity to safely and effectively treat chronic, common, and complex diseases in rural and underserved areas and to monitor the outcomes of this treatment.

In partnering with Project ECHO our goal for the Upstate New York Poison Center’s Toxicology teleECHO is to assist clinicians who lack access to medical and clinical toxicologists by addressing new and emerging trends in drug use and substance abuse; complications of pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drugs; as well as environmental threats to our communities. Instructional presentations and case discussions will stimulate meaningful conversation and create an environment where we all learn.

Our Toxicology teleECHO clinics happen at different times throughout the year. Stay up-to-date on days by signing up for our new newsletter.

NEXT ECHO: March 12th, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

You can also continue to stay informed about upcoming educational activities by subscribing to our listserve: toxhealth@lists.casabo.net/.

Please contact Kelly Donovan if you are interested in participating and/or have any questions about the program. Once she is made aware of your interest she will send along a welcome letter that details the schedule, technical requirements, clinic outline, and call-in information.

If you have specific content questions related to the Toxicology teleECHO or suggestions for other topics we should add in the future, please contact Jeanna Marraffa or 315-464-7076.

More Information:
