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If you have any questions or concerns about a poison case or toxicology issue, our staff is available 24 hours, 7 days at week:

The staff of the Upstate New York Poison Center consists of:

  • Medical and Clinical Toxicologists
  • Poison Information Specialists
  • Public Education Specialists
  • Support Staff


Clinical and Medical Toxicologists

In-house Toxicologists

Consultant Toxicologists

  • Tim Backus, DO, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Molly Boyd-Smith, MD, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Laura Fil, DO, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Rachel Gorodetsky, PharmD, DABAT, Clinical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Michael Holland, MD, FAACT, FACMT, FACOEM, FACEP, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Eric Kaczor, MD, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Heather Long, MD, FACMT, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Nicholas Nacca, MD, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Adam Rowden, MD, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Rachel Schult, PharmD, DABAT, Clinical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Alicia Tudor, MD, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant
  • Tim Wiegand, MD, DABAM, FACMT, FAACT, Medical Toxicologist, Consultant

Toxicology Fellows

  • Ahmed Alsakha, MD, FRCPC, FAAEM, FACEP, dABEM, Senior Medical Toxicology Fellow
  • Matthew Kolbeck, MD, Medical Toxicology Fellow
  • Raizada Akhil Vaid, MD, Medical Toxicology Fellow
  • Conor Young, MD, Medical Toxicology Fellow

Poison Information Specialists

  • Patricia Ballard, BSN, RN, PIP
  • Donna Benjamin, RN, CSPI
  • Cindy Bichler, BS, RN, CSPI

  • Michelle Carnicelli, RN, CSPI
  • Luanne Dockstader, BS Pharm, CSPI
  • Jean Gannon, BSN, RN SPI
  • Kathy Groff, RN, CSPI
  • Marwa Hashem, MD, SPI
  • Caitlin Hoosock, RN, FNP, SPI

  • Stacey Lukacs, BSN, RN, SPI

  • Margaret Maher, MS, RN, CSPI
  • Sue McFarland, BSN, RN, CSPI
  • Lisa Phillips, PharmD, SPI
  • Christine Pikor-Guinther, RN, CSPI
  • Laurie Piwinski, RN, CSPI
  • Susan Rudderham, CSPI
  • Robert Seabury, PharmD, BCPS, DABAT, Clinical Pharmacist
  • Antonia Scollan, MSN, RN, SPI 
  • Sarah Soliman, PharmD, CSPI
  • Kimberly Sorts, BSN, RN, SPI
  • Salvatore Spinella, BSN, RN, CSPI
  • Cody Unczur, BSN, RN, CSPI
  • Greg Voccola, BS Pharm, CSPI
  • Jamie Winslow, PA

* CSPI Certified Specialist in Poison Information, PIP Poison Information Provider

Public Education

Administrative Support

  • Lauri Foster-Walters, Administrative Assistant
  • Darlene Marko, Administrative Assistant
  • Jessica Smith, Project Coordinator

Marketing and Communications

  • Allison Mirabito, MA, BJ, Marketing and Communications Manager

Previous Leadership

  • Richard Cantor, MD, FACEP, FAAP, Medical Director Emeritus 1991-2018
  • Michael Hodgman, MD, FACMT, Medical Director 2018-2021
  • Christine Stork, PharmD, MPH, DABAT, FAACT, Clinical Director 1995-2023
  • Howard Weinberger, MD, Medical Director 1967-1991